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Health Insurance for Canada Travel
While we as U.S. residents think often about travel insurance coverage when we're traveling overseas we're not so quick to worry about health insurance for Canada travel. This is especially true if our voyage to Canadian provinces is by car and not by air. We don't expect to need health insurance for Canada travel to protect us from exotic diseases or militant uprisings.
Health insurance for Canada travel should not be ignored, however. Your medical insurance provider in the U.S. will typically only cover a medical emergency in Canada if the emergency was precipitated in the U.S. and the nearest emergency medical care is Canadian. This is especially true if you're a senior citizen whose only form of medical insurance is Medicare. Health insurance for Canada travel is, therefore, a must.
When you're shopping for coverage you'll want to consider several things in your decision. They are: what is excluded from coverage (what particular incidents and situations would your trip coverage not reimburse you for); what sports you can participate in and still be covered by your health insurance for Canada travel; whether you might be excluded from coverage for a pre-existing condition? and if there is a deductible?
The coverage that is customary is for hospital stay, although the per day limitations and ceilings will vary plan to plan; medical care, in-patient and outpatient, including physician fees, as well as those for any nursing care, surgery or anesthesia; medical testing such as x-rays and laboratory work; transportation to or from medical care by ambulance; medical care provided by a private RN (registered nurse); medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, splints and slings; prescription medicine; and the cost of repatriation of the remains of a deceased member of your travel group.
Probably the most crucial part of the plan your choose for health insurance for Canada travel must be good coverage in the case of an emergency evacuation back to your home for medical reasons. This is especially true if you are traveling by airline. The cost of changing travel plans, especially if you've purchased non-refundable tickets and must now arrange a new flight last minute can be exceedingly costly. Even from Canada, you must assume a cost of $10,000 for this coverage alone.
Planning ahead by purchasing health insurance for Canada travel will go a long way towards making your Canada vacation a serene stay.
About the Author
Steve Cogger, an active traveler, has developed the www.1-Happy-Traveller.com website for your convenience. Visit today for all of your travel insurance needs.